The Joe Show Military Podcast
Just a show for regular guys to inform and highlight the highs and lows of being in the military while using the service to come out on top personally and professionally. We bring humor and lightness to the negatives and provide military solutions to make it a better place.
Charlie Mike
Charlie Mike
The Joe Show Military Podcast
Episode 0007: PCS Your Second move
Korey Koukides
Season 1
Episode 7
After your first Contract it is time to Re-Enlist
After Re-enlisting it is time to PCS Say goodbye to the realest group of people that know some really awkward things about. Change your life, routine, and expectations all over. See something refreshed, see a positive changed. How to prepare to travel, DTS might be the worst idea yet? What to expect ? This interview was conducting with a fellow soldier who recently PCS'd from FT Cavazos to FT Campbell